Saturday, March 31, 2012


*《魔球》Moneyball - Bennett Miller(2011)
*《貪吃樹》Greedy Guts - Jan Svankmajer(2000)
*《公主復仇記》Beyond Our Ken - 彭浩翔(2004)
*《分居風暴》A Separation - Asghar Farhadi(2011)
*《華麗年代》Nine - Rob Marshall(2009)
*《伊莎貝拉》Isabella - 彭浩翔(2006)
*《料理鼠王》Ratatouille - Brad Bird(2007)
*《巴頓芬克》Barton Fink - Joel Coen(1991)
*《贖罪》Atonement - Joe Wright(2007)
*《狗臉的歲月》My Life as a Dog - Lasse Hallstrom(1985)
*《算計:7日死亡遊戲》The Incite Mill:7-Day Death Game - 中田秀夫(2010)
*《鴻孕當頭》Juno - Jason Reitman(2007)
*《導演萬歲》Glory To The Filmmaker! - 北野武(2007)
*《親切的金子》Sympathy for Lady Vengeance - 朴贊郁(2005)
*《三個傻瓜》3 Idiots - Rajkumar Hirani(2009)
*《情遇巴塞隆納》Vicky Cristina Barcelona - Woody Allen(2008)
*《志明與春嬌》Love in a Puff - 彭浩翔(2010)
*《不能沒有你》No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti - 戴立忍(2009)
*《繼承人生》The Descendants - Alexander Payne(2011)
*《經典老爺車》Gran Torino - Clint Eastwood(2009)
*《愛麗絲失蹤事件簿》The Disappearance of Alice Creed - J Blakeson(2009)
*《馬奎斯的三場葬禮》Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada - Tommy Lee Jones(2005)
*《昨日重現》Yesterday Once - 金大勝(2001)
*《決戰30分》30:Minutes or Less - Ruben Fleischer(2011)
*《偶然與你相遇》Me and You and Everyone We Know - Miranda July(2005)
*《凱文怎麼了?》We Need to Talk About Kevin - Lynne Ramsay(2011)
*《心靈鑰匙》Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Stephen Daldry(2012)
*《宛如阿修羅》Like Asura - 森田芳光(2003)
*《麥克邁:超能壞蛋》Megamind - Tom McGrath(2010)
*《強.艾德格》J. Edgar - Clint Eastwood(2012)
*《謀殺綠腳趾》The Big Lebowski - Joel Coen(1998)
*《亞當等大人》Grown Ups - Dennis Dugan(2010)
*《親情難捨》The Squid and the Whale - Noah Baumbach(2005)
*《荷頓奇遇記》Horton Hears A Who - Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino(2008)

Brigitte Fontaine - 「Comme à la radio」

森田芳光在《宛如阿修羅》Like Asura裡放上這首讓人感覺好前衛。

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